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I'll kick this off:
I am currently (1/27/11, 11:30 a.m. PST) participating in a webinar on open textbooks: "Building a Sustainable New Text Model in the Era of the $200 Textbook". Speaker is Eric Frank, co-founder of Flat World Knowledge. The recording will be available later today at this site:
Search list by title and date.
This is going to be a big one, but I wanted to share this great list of open-resources from the Truman State Univeristy Pickler Memorial Library.
Open Access Publishing
Definition of Open Access
Open Access Search Engines and Bibliographies
Searches for and retrieves open access/freely available digital resources from institutions and organizations around the world; BioMed Central, PubMed Central, National Academies Press, and other open access and self-archiving repositiories are searched by this service.
OpenDOAR: The Directory of Open Access Repositories
This site lists, describes and indexes digital repositories that are open to public searching and data harvesting.
University of Maryland Libraries, Virtual Technical Reports Center: EPrints, Preprints, & Technical Reports on the Web
"Institutions listed here provide either full-text reports, or searchable extended abstracts of their technical reports". Alphabetical by institution name (from OpCit Project)
Subject Directory of Open Access Sites
All Topics | Agriculture | Business | Computer Science | Economics | Education | History | Information Science | Language | Law | Mathematics | Medicine | Political Science | Psychology | Science | Sociology
All Topics
eScholarship Editions
Provides access to a growing collection of digital texts and monographs, including more than 2,000 University of California Press titles. A significant number of the electronic books are available for free to the public.
eScholarship Repository
This free, open-access repository infrastructure supports the full range of scholarly output, from pre-publication materials to journals and peer-reviewed series.
National Academy Press (NAP)
The publishing arm of the national academies, i.e. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council. It publishes all its books digitally on the web, free of charge.
Searches for and retrieves open access/freely available digital resources from institutions and organizations around the world; BioMed Central, PubMed Central, National Academies Press, and other open access and self-archiving repositiories are searched by this service.
OpenDOAR: The Directory of Open Access Repositories
This site lists, describes and indexes digital repositories that are open to public searching and data harvesting.
Organic Eprints (September 2002- ), established by the Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF), open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc., working papers and abstracts are provided by journals, publishers, and institutions for distribution through SSRN's eLibrary, which consists of two parts: a database containing abstracts of scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection of downloadable full-text documents. SSRN is composed of specialized research networks/journals in the social sciences: Accounting, Economics, Financial Economics, Legal Scholarship, Management, Negotiations.
Computer Science
(1998- , aka ResearchIndex), developed at NEC Research Institute, NJ, USA, caches openly accessible full-text research papers on computer science found on the Web in Postscript and PDF format for autonomous citation indexing.
Computing Research Repository (CoRR)
An open computer science repository, for preprints and papers that are not published elsewhere.
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (papers from 1994), led by the chair of theoretical computer science and new applications at the University of Trier. Research reports, surveys and books in computational complexity.
Berkeley Electronic Press
Berkeley Electronic Press, which includes a freely available working papers archive, in the fields of economics, law, and political science. Berkeley Electronic Press also publishes alternative journals, using locally grown software to manage all aspects of production.
The Review of Network Economics
An electronic, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers on the economics of network industries.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc., working papers and abstracts are provided by journals, publishers, and institutions for distribution through SSRN's eLibrary, which consists of two parts: a database containing abstracts of scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection of downloadable full-text documents. SSRN is composed of specialized research networks/journals in the social sciences: Accounting, Economics, Financial Economics, Legal Scholarship, Management, Negotiations.
Working Papers in Economics (WoPEc)
A collection of links to working papers and articles in economics. Many are free but some have restricted access.
British Education Index (1997- )
A freely accessible database of the full text of conference papers, working papers and electronic literature which supports educational research, policy and practice, initially a project in the JISC Electronic Libraries (eLib) Programme, administered by the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Great Britain..
History Cooperative
Provides full text access to recent issues of several top history journals.
Information Science
D-Lib Magazine
A solely online journal with a focus on issues related to digital libraries, including articles on new technologies, applications, and social and economic issues.
Digital Information in the Information Research Field
Listing of sources of online information and research in the fields of information management, information science, and information systems. The site includes journals and newsletters which contain at least a portion of free material.
E-LIS, E-Prints in Library and Information Science
Open Language Archives Community (OLAC)
OLAC, the Open Language Archives Community, is an international partnership of institutions and individuals who are creating a worldwide virtual library of language resources by: (i) developing consensus on best current practice for the digital archiving of language resources, and (ii) developing a network of interoperating repositories and services for housing and accessing such resources.
Berkeley Electronic Press
Berkeley Electronic Press, which includes a freely available working papers archive, in the fields of economics, law, and political science. Berkeley Electronic Press also publishes alternative journals, using locally grown software to manage all aspects of production.
American Mathematical Society (AMS), Directory of Mathematics Preprint and e-Print Servers
•Umbrella servers, which cover all areas of mathematics, e.g.
◦Front for the Mathematics ArXiv, alternative arXiv interface
◦Mathematics Preprint Search System
Biomed Central
BioMed Central is an independent commercial publishing house that provides open access to biomedical research.
Free Medical Journals
A web site collecting links to medical journals that offer their contents online free of charge. In addition to linking to free online medical journals, the site classifies them by the lag time between print publication and free online access (no lag time, one year, two years, etc.), and by language.
PubMed Central
PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature..
Political Science
Berkeley Electronic Press
Berkeley Electronic Press, which includes a freely available working papers archive, in the fields of economics, law, and political science. Berkeley Electronic Press also publishes alternative journals, using locally grown software to manage all aspects of production.
DOAJ: Political Science
Journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals that pertain specifically to the field of political science.
An electronic archive for self-archived papers on cognition. Areas included are: psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, biology, medicine, and anthropology as well as any other portions of the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to the study of cognition.
History and Theory of Psychology Eprint Archive (HTP Prints)
An archive of online papers in psychology and the history of psychology. In addition to journal articles, this resource archives papers that are not suited to traditional journals in the field, e.g. conference papers, highly illustrated papers, longer essays, literature reviews, papers with a highly specific focus.
Articles and peer commentary in all areas of psychology as well as cognitive science, neuroscience, behavioral biology, artificial intelligence, robotics/vision, linguistics and philosophy ( archive).
Main administration site at Cornell University, multiple mirrors worldwide, manages access to research papers.
Astronomy Preprints & Abstracts
Hosted by National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, VA, linked list of sites, includes institutional preprint servers" (from OpCit Project)
CERN Document Server (CDS)
Searchable Web interface to over 900,000 bibliographic records, including 360,000 fulltext documents in particle physics and related areas, covers preprints, articles, books, journals, photographs.
Ecology Preprint Registry
(papers from July 2001), hosted at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, dissemination of new research results destined for publication (i.e. not white papers or gray literature), only preprints with a theoretical basis can be submitted, the scope may be expanded to include submissions from the entire discipline of ecology
E-Print Network
The Department of Energy's E-Print Network provides access to electronic preprints in science and technology available from diverse sites. The network is "a gateway to over 12,000 Web sites and databases worldwide, containing e-prints in basic and applied sciences, primarily in physics but also including subject areas such as chemistry, biology and life sciences, materials science, nuclear sciences and engineering, energy research, computer and information technologies, and other disciplines of interest to DOE."
Highwire Press free content
"Highwire Press is an e-publishing company based at Stanford University which operates many society e-journals, including a number of high-profile titles including British Medical Journal and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (free after 6 months)". Years of accessibility vary with each title.
Information Bridge
Provided by US Department of Energy (DOE), has open source to full-text and bibliographic records of DOE research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics. Contains full-text documents produced and made available by the DOE National Laboratories and grantees from 1995 forward.
NTRS, NASA Technical Reports Server
Search interface for 18 databases
PhilSci Archive
An electronic archive for preprints of articles in the philosophy of science.
PhysDoc - Physics Documents Worldwide
Offers lists of links to document sources, such as preprints, research reports, annual reports, and list of publications of worldwide distributed physics institutions and individual physicists, ordered by continent, country and town.
PLoS: Public Library of Science
Seven peer-reviewed open access journals: PLoS Biology, PLoS Medicine, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Genetics, PLoS Pathogens, PLoS ONE, and PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
An online archive of research articles in many scientific fields, with a search engine for obtaining results on specific topics. Some free access is available to articles but many require payment.
SPARC-Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
American Research Libraries initiative to support reforms to scholarly publishing and reducing price barriers. Partners include: Directory of Open Access Journals; American Chemical Society; BioMed Central; eScholarship and many more.
WWW Virtual Library: Sociology Electronic Journals and Newsletters
Collection of publications dealing at least to some extent with sociology. Some free full text journals mixed in with abstract listings and subscription journals.
Hi Again Folks:
Peter Suber has this great website to help explain the open-access movement and its terminology, acronyms, initiatives, standards, technologies, and players. This, along with Foothill College's site are a great resource for those new to the concept of open-access.
Peter Suber's site:
CCCOER (Foothills):
Thanks, Kelley, for Peter Suber's site and just a quick note on the CCCOER consortium. This program is currently administered at Foothill College along with the College Open Textbook Collaborative but the consortium membership is over 200 colleges in the U.S. and Canada. The consortium (I am the Foothill College contact) is working with the Open Courseware Consortium to make this organization more global.
Check out this short video with David Wiley, Open Education visionary, about why teachers should ditch costly textbooks and embrace open materials.
Hi Folks:
Below is a great event is anyone is interested.
Learning Stream for College Campus OER Promoters
A message to all members of OpenTextbookAdvocateTrainers Don't miss this webinar Thursday Feb 10 at 11am Pacific time
* The Advocate/Trainer Program and the Adopt-a-Workshop Initiative
* Honoring Erik Christensen of South Florida Community College
* Honoring Ken Ronkowitz of Passaic County Community College and New Jersey Institute of Technology
* An interview with SoftChalk about editing open resources. Sue Polyson Evans is the CEO and co-Founder of SoftChalk LLC. Sue has more than 20 years of experience in developing, managing and supporting educational technology in both academic and corporate environments.
Details and RSVP at
Visit OpenTextbookAdvocateTrainers at:
What is next? Not Textbooks. Think Curricular Resource Strategy, Part II | From the Bell Tower
The library could be at the center of the answer to the textbook crisis on campus, says Steven Bell, Temple University Librarian.
Interesting new OER resource on how to plan and carry out OER projects. Sound familiar -- this has some great suggestions for those of you knee-deep in your projects.
For information on OER Recommender and OER Glue -- tools that were developed to help locate OER content -- please attend this webinar live on Thursday, Feb. 17, 11:00 am Pacific time
or catch the archive afterwards at
Just found this info...
College Open Textbooks and the OER Foundation/WikiEducator have created an OER Calendar of webinars, conferences, meetings, and other events open to everyone. To see the calendar, you must have a Yahoo ID. To receive reminders or post events, you must join the Yahoo Group.
Just wanted to share a work in progress...
The Kentucky Learning Depot is Kentucky’s P-20 repository for quality digital learning content. This is about educators connecting with content to build a learning community.
7 Things You Should Know about Open Textbook Publishing by Judy Baker, Executive Director, Community College Consortium for Open Education Resources.
The whole "7n things" series is a good collection of simple intros to edtech topics. Great two-sided handouts