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Just a thought that croseed my mind - how about exploring the acceptance of Open Governance and Peer to Peer learning in society and the value it has.

Like for example, if i get a degree from traditional university, it is accpeted by companies to provide jobs.

Thanks and Regards,

Marisa Ponti's picture
Marisa Ponti
Thu, 2011-01-27 21:52

Hi Adil,
it was great to meeting you. Yes, you can do that, although it looks like quite a broad topic to tackle in the short time span of this course. Have you found readings that you can use?

Marisa Ponti's picture
Marisa Ponti
Thu, 2011-01-27 22:18


suddenly I remember this thread in the P2PU mailing list. Please have a look:

I think that you may want to consider how assessment is done in open governance and peer-based learning, and the acceptance of such assessment modes in society.

This ties up well with your example: you earn a degree from a traditional university because you have met certain standards, you have fulfilled all the requirements according to established criteria of evaluation. Society, implicitly accepts these criteria and standards, so they appreciate your degree and employ you for a job.

How does assessment work when open governance is in place?

this is one possible way to tackle the topic, I think!

Adil Muhammad's picture
Adil Muhammad
Fri, 2011-01-28 01:17

Hi Marisa,

It was great meeting you too and the rest of my peers :).

I did not find any readings but that was just a thought and wanted to share the same.

Thanks for sending the link - currently going through the same.


Adil Muhammad's picture
Adil Muhammad
Fri, 2011-01-28 01:24

Hi Marisa,

The link you sent was excellent. Got me even more excited :)

Take care.
