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Documentation issues

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Hi guys, 

opening a thread to talk about documentation issues such as what's there and what's not, some confusing documents, dead links, and so on.

It would be great that as a byproduct of the course, we could smooth down a little bit the entry level for future developers.

So far I have noticed that there is no tutorial for creating components so have decided to start writing one in the community wiki:

I also think it would be interesting to have a document explaining the different types of wonderland developments artefacts (there might be one already but I haven't been able to find it!). As far as I know you can build modules, components, plugins(server and client), and use the scripting component (and in this case I think we have two, one written by Morris as a general scripting engine, and one released by Ryan this very week that deals with physics through the JBullet library).

I have also been trying to wirte a guide to the documentation, which is all over different wikis after the migrations from sun to oracle to the wonderland foundation. I will put something together in the community wiki that we can use to update the reading materials for each week.

One of the sign up posts points at confusion concerning with the use of Netbeans (or not) to build the source. It would be great if we could discuss that kind of issues here!


Bosco A's picture
Bosco A
Sun, 2011-01-23 06:01

Hi Jos,
I found this useful link to the 'Project Wonderland Documentation Wiki' which lists all the OWL documentation



Bosco A's picture
Bosco A
Sun, 2011-01-23 06:04

Hi Jos
I found this useful link to the 'Project Wonderland Documentation Wiki' listing all OWL docs by category:

Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Sun, 2011-01-23 19:28

Hey Bosco, thanks for pointing that out. That link is actually an old version of this one:

Which brings me right to the point of starting this thread. Some people might be working from old resources that are not being updated anymore, and that is the type of problem that we need to spot and try to rectify. Some of the stuff in the wiki is not linked properly anymore, or has been partially removed, or is missing images. Well spotted! :)


Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Sun, 2011-01-23 19:48

Hi all, I have just opened a new page in the community wiki, intended to target new developers... a kind of a summary on how to get started and what you can achieve by using the system. Any contributions to that will be very much welcome!
Here is the link:
