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Introduction to Drupal

Welcome message

Heather James's picture
Mon, 2010-09-13 18:10

There are many great resources out there to learn Drupal, but often, new users don’t know how to find their way to the best resources and ensure they learn the essential concepts.

Who this is for? Just checking your ticket to make sure you’re in the right place. This is ideal for people who are completely new to Drupal; those who may have installed it, but left feeling frustrated and confused. That is, people who didn’t even get on the gangway, let alone find their seat.

This is a test! Initially, we're running a pilot test of this course. We thank you in advance for committing your own time to this course. This course will continue to be freely available for others as well.

What we are asking of participants of the test course to commit a minimum of 2 hours a week.

  • Attend a once weekly webinar, which will be recorded.
  • To work on the self-study exercises keeping pace with the class.
  • Participate in weekly discussions around the topics.
  • To fill out brief weekly private feedback forms which will be essential in shaping and improving the course.

If all that sounds good to you, then away we go!

How does this work? Each week we’ll be motivating you and guiding you through self-study.

  • Mondays: You will receive an email outlining the new materials to read or view, and outlining tasks you will complete.
  • Wednesdays: We will also meet once a week in a webinar to discuss any problems or questions you have about the materials. These webinars are going to be recorded, so people who start the course after this first time can follow along and learn with us.
  • All week: Online, you can also participate in discussions related to the weekly materials.
  • Friday is feedback day. This is where we can find room to improve and tweek to make the following week better.

Prepare for take off! Before we start, we ask you to do a few things:

  • First task: Introduce yourself on the forum
    • What's your background with web development or CMSs?
    • What are your personal goals for this course?
    • Find someone else who is similar to you, and reply to them.
  • Please add a photo to your profile and edit details of your profile.