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Introduction to Drupal

Pilot test participants: Live online sessions

Heather James's picture
Wed, 2010-09-15 16:07

The first time we run this course, will be a test! We will be recording sessions which will then become self-study materials so anyone can start and join this course at any time in the future.

This means, in the future, people who take this course will be able to "study alongside" the first people who took the course, and we can capture the questions. It's likely you'll be asking questions similar to someone else. They can watch this at their own convenience in the future.

When are the sessions?

Put this in your calendar:
Starting Wednesday 22nd September (orientation 15th September)
Online session for Pilot course: Introduction to Drupal on
Live session times: Wednesdays 9am PST/ 10 am MT/ 11am CT / 12pm EST / 17h00 GMT / 18h00 CET.

Where's the link?

You received the registration information via email. 

I missed it!

All sessions will be recorded and placed online, so they are available for everyone.

Register for online sessions:

You will receive a registration link via email. Please enter the same name you used to sign up for the class so we can recognize you.

Registration form online:


Live chat

Use IRC chat instead of the "question window" in the webinar software. If you've never used IRC before, just click "chat" in the course menu above. You will see this:

join chat


For our calendars: 9/15 is

Benji Fisher's picture
Benji Fisher
Wed, 2010-09-15 20:21

For our calendars: 9/15 is Week 0 on the syllabus, so the last Webinar should be 11/3.

Thank you, Benji!

Heather James's picture
Heather James
Wed, 2010-09-15 20:55

Thank you, Benji!

I didn't get a link for the

tapesofwrath's picture
Wed, 2010-09-22 09:51

I didn't get a link for the webinar sessions and I already filled out the google docs form (about a week ago, prior to being accepted for the course). Is it only open to the first ten students or something? If so, that's fine, I can always watch the recording.

I was just wondering if I should have gotten an email with the link and should tune in this afternoon?

Hello Tapes! I did send out

Heather James's picture
Heather James
Wed, 2010-09-22 17:16

Hello Tapes! I did send out the registration information last week, and I sent it out today. I got the emails from the course sign up form. I will now broadcast it through here, and hopefully it will send this time.

Sorry if people get duplicates!

October 27 2010 Chat

Heather James's picture
Heather James
Wed, 2010-10-27 19:15

October 27 2010 Chat Log

[17:03] == heatherjhey [59643fc0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #p2pu-webcraft/introduction-drupal
[17:07] <@Ida> views?
[17:07] I read about theme regions in the Drupal handbooks.
[17:14] == eric has changed nick to Guest52019
[17:25] can you put slides on slide share and then show browser via gotomeeting?
[17:27] hey everyone. Marcky here. I'll help Heather with your questions.
[17:28] right now she is demo-ing the task of "Overriding" theme template files.
[17:29] <@Ida> Unfortunately, I can't stay until the end of the webinar. Thanks for another great lessons. I look forward to watching the recording of the webinar.
[17:32] The Zen layout is a good example of moving things around using CSS. The content area comes first in the HTML file, good for SEO, and then the CSS moves it in between the left and right sidebars.
[17:33] benji__ is right. I also want to add that Zen is not alone. There are a lot of awesome "base-themes" you can play with.
[17:35] on my client-projects, I use Genesis, Basic, and my favorite: Fusion
[17:35] here's a blog post on popular Drupal base-themes:
[17:36] another blog post:
[17:41] Couldn't you also hide the "Member for" line using CSS: disaply: none;
[17:44] TIP: if you HATE clearing cache most times, consider enabling
[17:45] ;-)
[17:47] Please forgive this very basic question - What do you do if you are not hosting your site locally- ie as in using Webenabled?
[17:47] heatherjhey is now discussing VIEWS THEMING
[17:47] kristen: yes
[17:48] I use WebEnabled and no longer develop locally.
[17:50] kristen: I develop with WE instead of hogging my laptop / machine with all the server resources required for WebDev
[17:51] I think Heather is mis-describing the "parents" section of the theme-dev display. It shows which template file is included by which other template file, not the most specific to least specific template "suggestions."
[17:56] Windows user? I recommend PSPad editor for editing theme files:
[17:56] Mac / Linux / Windows user? Try Komodo Edit --»
[17:58] I think kristen is asking how to edit the files on the WE server since she is not serving the site from her local computer. Will PSPad or Komodo Edit handle files on a remote server?
[18:00] benji__ + kristen: right. There are many ways to edit files on a remote server. My favorite way is to synchronize locally-edited files using Beyond Compare or WinSCP.
[18:01] Articles on how these Tools: +
[18:01] :-)
[18:02] If you are a keyboard junkie, then you can use Vim (Vi Improved) to edit files on a remote computer.
[18:03] CSS will only hide it, but the markup will still be there
[18:05] Yes- thank you benji and marcky!
[18:05] kristen: no prob :-)
[18:05] And of course Heather, too!
[18:05] want to dig deep into Theming?
[18:06] watch videos produced by MustardSeedMedia --»
[18:09] bye
[18:09] Byeee!!
[18:09] Thank you!
[18:09] if you still have questions, just pour them in.
[18:09] bye- thanks, Heather!
[18:10] I'll be keeping my eye on the forums.
[18:11] heather... you actually need to stop the broadcast... we still hear your microphone
[18:11] you stopped sharing your screen but your mic and the session are still open
[18:11] oh noes!
[18:12] yes
[18:12] :-)
[18:12] np
[18:12] Thanks, Eric
[18:12] Was I talking to myself??
[18:12] I do that!
[18:12] Probably saying 'oh shit'!
[18:12] it might be nice to archive the IRC chats with the sessions... My browser locked up and I lost the chat. Is the archive available?
[18:13] the links would be good to have access to ... esp if you rerecord
[18:13] cool, I will put in the chat log now.
[18:13] I meant to ask for some help actually. I was going to show people how to edit the course pages. Bugger!
[18:14] Next time!
[18:14] did p2pu change something with IRC setup? in past I could access this room using colloquy... this time only via webpage on p2pu
[18:14] may explain why fewer people in irc
[18:14] The idea is that ppl can edit directly. But I think ppl are waiting for someone else to do it. It's really meant to be wii style. So I think this is a error on my part for being so formal
[18:15] oh strange, i didn't notice.

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