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Introduction to Drupal

Week 2 - Tasks

Heather James's picture
Mon, 2010-09-27 16:52

Welcome to Week 2- Site Building!

As I mentioned in the Welcome message, this course is like a hop-on-hop-off city tour. On our tour, this week is the equivalent of stopping at The Louvre for just a quick peek. This week is all about Site Building. You could spend the rest of your Drupal career here.
Read my “How to Learn Drupal” document if you are not sure what Site Building is. This is the bulk of the work involved in setting up Drupal websites. For those of you experienced with Drupal, this may seem basic. However, for new Drupal users, understanding these basics is very important.

Week 2 Tasks

There are probably hundreds of articles and tutorials about creating content types on Drupal alone. My intention was that with the absolute minimum of tutorials I could give participants a reasonable introduction to Drupal. However, I have found that we have a mix of people who are absolutely new to Drupal, and those who have a little bit of experience. To that end, I have included both "Introductory" and "Intermediate" activities. I'll leave you to judge which you fit into! You don't have to complete them all, just try the two that you think you'd benefit from. (of course, go ahead and do them all if you can!)

After, submit your links on the forum

After you complete the task, please post a link to your finished work into the Week 2 Discussion.
Then, see if you can 'peer to peer' help each other with the activities.  Prepare any questions for the Wednesday webinar session. Even if you can't make it, we can talk you through your questions. 


Introductory Task 1: Making a site with external content

Download PDF: Go to this page, and click on the “Sample Chapter” button to download the PDF.
By: Timi Ogunjobi
This tutorial is a chapter from Drupal 6 Site Blueprints. It’s a free chapter of the book. I like it because it’s perfect for the “how do I… “ types of questions. 
Please ignore references to the Poormanscron module and the "theme" for this tutorial. This tutorial is good because it shows you something you can get done relatively easy with some of the built in features of Drupal. 

Introductory Task 2: Links list with CCK & Views

This tutorial video which covers how to make a links list using Views and CCK. It shows related modules to configure, as well. It's a basic introduction to the Views 2 interface and would be useful for a beginner. Because you're using Acquia Drupal, you will need to install two modules


Intermediate Task 1: CCK Node Reference

This tutorial assumes you have make a CCK content type. It shows how you can extend the functionality of CCK. This video on CCK node reference by Geoff Hankerson starts with setting up a basic CCK content type and then demonstrates how to use CCK node reference; and it covers node theming as well.  In order to follow the example (using dprint_r() for example) you will have to install the devel module.

Intermediate Task 2: Views Arguments

By:  Matt Petrowsky of GotDrupal
This tutorial assumes you have experience making Views. This video demonstrates using arguments in Views to control the display of content. What's an argument? An argument passes a query to a view through the URL. For example:

In this case, '3' is the argument, a user ID. The argument tells the view to display the posts of the user 3.

Extra: Links for "49 modules you should know" by NodeOne:

Modules for sustainable website building: 5 essential modules
Modules for sustainable website building: 12 CCK modules
Modules for sustainable website building: 6 node handling modules
Modules for sustainable website building: 8 Views modules
Modules for sustainable website building: 7 miscellaneous modules
Modules for sustainable website building: 4 system modules
Modules for sustainable website building: 6 modules for configuration and administration

Here is a link to NodeOne's video uploads to Vimeo


Introductory task 2 provides

Ben Caldwel's picture
Ben Caldwel
Mon, 2010-10-11 13:59

Introductory task 2 provides a link to a video podcast on the Views 2 module. Maybe this should also point to

Hello Ben! I can make that

Heather James's picture
Heather James
Sat, 2010-10-30 16:49

Hello Ben! I can make that change, but keep in mind, because you're logged into P2PU, you can "edit" the content here.

In the sidebar menu, you see the list of course materials. Next to that should appear the "edit" link. Please do feel in control to make the most of this peer to peer class. I'll leave this here for a short time and give you a chance to update the page yourself.

Thank you for the suggestion, however!