I would like to know more about manipulating sidebars. I have a few themes I love but need more sidebars. Also, how to you the elastic theme builder as a resource.
Theme development that focuses on the php side of things and doesn't go into the stylesheet and graphics side of things in too much detail.
Plugins - again in a similar vein to the theme development it would be nice to understand the anatomy of a wordpress plugin and how it interacts with the core wordpress functionality.
What would I like to see in the syllabus for Word Press Development?
I would like to see the course involve user interactivity if possible. All this plug-in talk, I am not even sure what a plug in is although I have looked it up. What I trying to say is I do not expect in a couple weeks to learn how to create Word Press itself, just how my viewers can connect with me with and each other using tools to have a "community" feel of belonging to something special on the site, I want my site to be seem to have a life of its own in comments and postings, people to be able to feel they met someone intellectually, that although they never met they are friends or enemies, things like that.
I found this and it is about getting malware form using a free theme found in a search engine, it is very easy to read, thanks.
Thanks for adding me to the course Nuno.
Would like to see custom theme development from scratch or adapting existing themes, using custom fields & taxonomies. Would like lots of PHP and dipping heavily into the Wordpress codex to build page templates.
I agree with themes and plug-ins developement. I can build a plug-in but I mostly get in trouble with plug-in hooks, activation/deactivation process and template tags. Also a short lesson on using/searching WP Codex and other sources of information would be helpful.
I hope we are able to dig into hooks and filters. I currently use them, but would like to feel more comfortable with them, especially for a lot of the new theme frameworks like Genesis.
Some specifics I'd like to be able to learn on building themes from the ground up.
I need to know how to take my xHTML and CSS and convert it properly so that content populates properly.
I need to know how to design a theme that can be changed on the fly without recoding the whole thing. An example would be the ability to change the banner image from the WP dashboard.
Basically, I'm most interested in using WP as a CMS and I need to know the ins and outs of the system such that I can create elegant code for the site itself.
I want users to be able to login and leave comments with their Google or OpenID, etc.
Id like tips to cleaning up themes and templates, tweaking them, and cutting the fat and bloat than come with many...being able to finish with a concise well formatted site. I would like to replace my Flash sites with WP and work with javascipts to give each theme the right about of splash.
Hi- theme development is high on my list with also being able to tweak custom fields, custom post types and being able to code some theme 'admin' options. Widgets coding would also be great. Really excited and looking forward to the class!
Looking to use the new 3.0 theme items to renovate the themes I created for my site under the old 2.x scheme. Also some basics on plug-in or widget development
Just have not found any decent tutorials for 3.0 theme development
I'm interested in getting deep into parent theme (not relying on a framework), custom widget, and plug-in development. In particular, I'm interested in using these things in a very transformative way. For example, using WP less as a blog and more as, say, an e-commerce store, buddypress network, or as some other type of webapp.
A lot of great suggestions! I think it's important to learn about how to tweak WordPress to be able to create the kind of site you want. In other words, theme development, plug-ins, and whatever else will help us customize the site to specific needs.
I am planning to use Wordpress for our IntrAnet (I manually manage a static website now). After we gotten used to Wordpress I plan to put our public website into Wordpress (after I have a few power users that can help maintain the site).
I'm looking for learning how to do custom PHP/MySQL recordsets in Wordpress, custom post types, parent themes, etc.
Can we just start forum topics on whatever we want? Cause we could just share notes and links on topics whether the class gets to them or not, that would be very p2p wouldn't it? We should also put together some kind of torrent for some reason, if only for school pride :-D
developing themes with codex and template tags are nice.. but i think paying attention to security and making your wordpress site unbreakable is a good topic too..
I also like to learn more about:
- developing tuitive plug-ins
- plug-ins that can interact with mobile phone apps
- protecting your wordpress site from spam
- protecting wordpress login/registration from spam
I have been checking out the theme Thesis and working on around to design a theme myself, would really like to see how I can design, even write, my own theme and work around the useful plug-ins to set up a good looking site...
I'm rather interested in pushing the CMS portion to the limits. I want to be able to really use it as a CMS more than anything else. Oh yes, and theme customization
Word Press Development syllabus : i want to learn
- Understand wordpress admin tool (manage widget, categories, styles etc.)
- How developer can customize frontend look (presentation of categories, module disply etc.)
- Create new plugings
- Multiple website wordpress support (common admin)
- common plugins that help for good SEO
- useful plugins for corporate site
and as per NUNO work experience he guide us for common issue in
- WP setup (Hosting dependency)
- Common mistake from novice WP developer
I am completely new to WordPress but my main goal is to build a site that my wife can use for her new photography business. I need to learn enough about it to configure and customize it for her needs. I am open to learning anything and everything.
Honestly anything others have mentioned. I am sure I can benefit from it all. I am especially interested in spending some time tweaking or creating a new theme or seeing how others are playing with them.
It seems to me that these requests fall into three broad categories:
1) USING WordPress: Taking advantage of built-in WP features like custom posts, taxonomies, or any of the more sophisticated things you can manage through the WP admin panel.
2) ADMINISTRATING WordPress: Managing multiple sites, addressing security issues, integration with other tools, etc. -- things you manage through your hosting service's admin panel, FTP tools, etc.
3) DEVELOPING WordPress: Coding plug-ins and widgets, developing child themes, etc -- making the version of WP on your site do things that WP doesn't do "out of the box".
Personally, my understanding was that this course would focus on topic (3). While I would also really, really love to learn more about the first two topics, I think that there's already a _lot_ of information on them available online, and I don't think that they're really the best use of our time with Nuno. I'd recommend that we try to create a shared course library of resources for the first two -- links to existing sites, tutorials, etc., so that we can all learn a lot more about them -- but focus the syllabus on the mechanics of developing for WordPress.
It does make sense and I agree 100%. After all, the topic of the course is "Wordpress Development". I definitely feel for the people that are just getting into Wordpress or want to learn how to use it better from the front end perspective. But, I didn't think this was going to be that kind of course by the description. Even topics like mobile styles, while great, don't have a whole lot to do with Wordpress itself.
There are so many topics that we could go over that it would be easy to get sidetracked. So, yeah, I also hope we can stick to #3, actual development and getting into the guts of the code.
I had to go back to the learning objectives to make sure I was reading the right discussion thread. The course seemed to be directed at pure novices in WordPress (which I am). I think development of plugins and widgets sounds like the advanced topics for the class given that some people are looking to "know what wordpress is " and "understand what a plugin and widget is", as the syllabus describes. I'd love to cover a to z, as Nuno spells out, but would be lost if we skipped bullets 1& 2 in the course description.
I'm happy to move quickly, but would prefer not to change the course description before we get started.
Learning objectives
- Know what WordPress is and how it can be used both for blogging and as a CMS
- Understand what is a plugin and a widget, the difference between the two and how to develop them
- Know the Plugin API (actions and filters)
- Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
- Themes and Templates: how to create and how to customize them
"While I would also really, really love to learn more about the first two
topics, I think that there's already a _lot_ of information on them available
online, and I don't think that they're really the best use of our time with
Nuno. I'd recommend that we try to create a shared course library of
resources for the first two -- links to existing sites, tutorials, etc., so
that we can all learn a lot more about them -- but focus the syllabus on the
mechanics of developing for WordPress."
No doubt, but in my admittedly limited experience to date, the material I've found on the web for developing WP themes I have ultimately found more or less impossible to follow, whether through my technical ineptitude, or the classic problem of tech people being truly inept at communicating with other humans, I shan't say. So spending at least a week each on #1 and #2 would be good for me. Mind you, I'm the guy who, in my course application, noted that I had deleted the Hello Dolly thingy from my WP because I thought it was so patently stupid.
Will, I've been using WP for a few years and never used/always deleted/disabled the Hello Dolly plugin immediately. However the exercise of editing the hello dolly plugin was an eye opener for me because while it's admittedly a simple plugin, it was refreshing to see how simple the actual code that drives it was.
"While I would also really, really love to learn more about the first two
topics, I think that there's already a _lot_ of information on them available
online, and I don't think that they're really the best use of our time with
Nuno. I'd recommend that we try to create a shared course library of
resources for the first two -- links to existing sites, tutorials, etc., so
that we can all learn a lot more about them -- but focus the syllabus on the
mechanics of developing for WordPress."
No doubt, but in my admittedly limited experience to date, the material I've found on the web for developing WP themes I have ultimately found more or less impossible to follow, whether through my technical ineptitude, or the classic problem of tech people being truly inept at communicating with other humans, I shan't say. So spending at least a week each on #1 and #2 would be good for me. Mind you, I'm the guy who, in my course application, noted that I had deleted the Hello Dolly thingy from my WP because I thought it was so patently stupid.
Personally, I'm interested in learning how to develop themes, widgets, and plugins. I've customized bits and pieces (and in time, will master the Loop), but I'd like to try making a theme from scratch, and I don't have the skills for that yet.
I wanted to start a new discussion topic for us to post useful WordPress related links (tutorials, screencasts, etc.) but when I click on "Start a discussion" up there on the top left I get a page where I'm able to add a new title (e.g. Useful WordPress links) but the Body area is blank, there's no box to fill in. I'm logged in, maybe I don't have the necessary permissions?
For me, i would like to know how to best Optimize for mobile/iPads. Not necessarily how to access my WordPress account, but to ensure that the WordPress site is working efficiently for mobile devices.
Theme development would be great--perhaps just a broad introduction?
Agreed with Tina, Developing professional themes from scratch would be awesome. writing custom plugins would great also.
I would like to know more about manipulating sidebars. I have a few themes I love but need more sidebars. Also, how to you the elastic theme builder as a resource.
I would like to know more about developing themes from scratch and using the custom field functions. Also interested in creating plug-ins.
Also agree with Tina. Theme development is of major interest to me.
Theme development that focuses on the php side of things and doesn't go into the stylesheet and graphics side of things in too much detail.
Plugins - again in a similar vein to the theme development it would be nice to understand the anatomy of a wordpress plugin and how it interacts with the core wordpress functionality.
totally agree!
I second what Robin said, but I would also like to learn more about creating custom post types.
What would I like to see in the syllabus for Word Press Development?
I would like to see the course involve user interactivity if possible. All this plug-in talk, I am not even sure what a plug in is although I have looked it up. What I trying to say is I do not expect in a couple weeks to learn how to create Word Press itself, just how my viewers can connect with me with and each other using tools to have a "community" feel of belonging to something special on the site, I want my site to be seem to have a life of its own in comments and postings, people to be able to feel they met someone intellectually, that although they never met they are friends or enemies, things like that.
I found this and it is about getting malware form using a free theme found in a search engine, it is very easy to read, thanks.
Thanks for adding me to the course Nuno.
Would like to see custom theme development from scratch or adapting existing themes, using custom fields & taxonomies. Would like lots of PHP and dipping heavily into the Wordpress codex to build page templates.
What are the minimum preriquisites for this course?
Agreed with Tina, Developing professional themes from scratch would be awesome. writing custom plugins would great also.
I agree with themes and plug-ins developement. I can build a plug-in but I mostly get in trouble with plug-in hooks, activation/deactivation process and template tags. Also a short lesson on using/searching WP Codex and other sources of information would be helpful.
I want know how to create ajax plugin for wordpress.
I'd like to learn how to develop a theme from scratch. Thanks for putting this into P2PU, I am a big fan of wordpress.
I hope we are able to dig into hooks and filters. I currently use them, but would like to feel more comfortable with them, especially for a lot of the new theme frameworks like Genesis.
Hello all, I can't wait for this course : ) I would definitely like to learn more about using the custom fields as well as the WordPress loop.
I'm up for anything! I've been developing Wordpress stuff for a couple of years now, and I'm here to fill in any holes we can find.
Some specifics I'd like to be able to learn on building themes from the ground up.
I need to know how to take my xHTML and CSS and convert it properly so that content populates properly.
I need to know how to design a theme that can be changed on the fly without recoding the whole thing. An example would be the ability to change the banner image from the WP dashboard.
Basically, I'm most interested in using WP as a CMS and I need to know the ins and outs of the system such that I can create elegant code for the site itself.
I want users to be able to login and leave comments with their Google or OpenID, etc.
Id like tips to cleaning up themes and templates, tweaking them, and cutting the fat and bloat than come with many...being able to finish with a concise well formatted site. I would like to replace my Flash sites with WP and work with javascipts to give each theme the right about of splash.
Hi- theme development is high on my list with also being able to tweak custom fields, custom post types and being able to code some theme 'admin' options. Widgets coding would also be great. Really excited and looking forward to the class!
Theme Development. Plugin Development.
Looking to use the new 3.0 theme items to renovate the themes I created for my site under the old 2.x scheme. Also some basics on plug-in or widget development
Just have not found any decent tutorials for 3.0 theme development
I'm interested to learn how to create custom post type, custom plugin, widget-ready sidebars, and more tricks on functions.php
I'm interested in getting deep into parent theme (not relying on a framework), custom widget, and plug-in development. In particular, I'm interested in using these things in a very transformative way. For example, using WP less as a blog and more as, say, an e-commerce store, buddypress network, or as some other type of webapp.
A lot of great suggestions! I think it's important to learn about how to tweak WordPress to be able to create the kind of site you want. In other words, theme development, plug-ins, and whatever else will help us customize the site to specific needs.
If possible I'd like to learn about security, how to use SSL and HTTPS with wordpress, and just generally how to make our sites secure.
I am planning to use Wordpress for our IntrAnet (I manually manage a static website now). After we gotten used to Wordpress I plan to put our public website into Wordpress (after I have a few power users that can help maintain the site).
I'm looking for learning how to do custom PHP/MySQL recordsets in Wordpress, custom post types, parent themes, etc.
Diddo on the SSL and HTTPS!
Can we just start forum topics on whatever we want? Cause we could just share notes and links on topics whether the class gets to them or not, that would be very p2p wouldn't it? We should also put together some kind of torrent for some reason, if only for school pride :-D
Of course you can. Feel free to start forum topics as long as they are related to WordPress.
Im interested more in the WP as a CMS side, developing custom records and flows as well as theming to make everything look OK and do what I want
developing themes with codex and template tags are nice.. but i think paying attention to security and making your wordpress site unbreakable is a good topic too..
I also like to learn more about:
- developing tuitive plug-ins
- plug-ins that can interact with mobile phone apps
- protecting your wordpress site from spam
- protecting wordpress login/registration from spam
I agree with Faramarz, all his points look interesting.
Mobile :)
I have been checking out the theme Thesis and working on around to design a theme myself, would really like to see how I can design, even write, my own theme and work around the useful plug-ins to set up a good looking site...
I'm rather interested in pushing the CMS portion to the limits. I want to be able to really use it as a CMS more than anything else. Oh yes, and theme customization
using wordpress through my Blackberry.
there is an app for blackberry that lets you write posts, upload videos, photos and edit your posts.
Ah yes! http://blackberry.wordpress.org/
Saket, do you mean customizing themes so that they work on mobile phones? Or being able to post and edit via your Blackberry?
Word Press Development syllabus : i want to learn
- Understand wordpress admin tool (manage widget, categories, styles etc.)
- How developer can customize frontend look (presentation of categories, module disply etc.)
- Create new plugings
- Multiple website wordpress support (common admin)
- common plugins that help for good SEO
- useful plugins for corporate site
and as per NUNO work experience he guide us for common issue in
- WP setup (Hosting dependency)
- Common mistake from novice WP developer
and more
I am completely new to WordPress but my main goal is to build a site that my wife can use for her new photography business. I need to learn enough about it to configure and customize it for her needs. I am open to learning anything and everything.
* Theme development w/ FRAMEWORKS (eg. Thematic)
* General overview of MOBILE theme development.
* Custom Post Types and TAXONOMIES
* MULTIPLE SITES With Single WordPress Install
* Custom MENUS
* Wordpress SECURITY tweaks
* Customizing ADMIN Area
I second Sebastian's list - especially the first 2 items (frameworks like Thematic and mobile themes)
Honestly anything others have mentioned. I am sure I can benefit from it all. I am especially interested in spending some time tweaking or creating a new theme or seeing how others are playing with them.
It seems to me that these requests fall into three broad categories:
1) USING WordPress: Taking advantage of built-in WP features like custom posts, taxonomies, or any of the more sophisticated things you can manage through the WP admin panel.
2) ADMINISTRATING WordPress: Managing multiple sites, addressing security issues, integration with other tools, etc. -- things you manage through your hosting service's admin panel, FTP tools, etc.
3) DEVELOPING WordPress: Coding plug-ins and widgets, developing child themes, etc -- making the version of WP on your site do things that WP doesn't do "out of the box".
Personally, my understanding was that this course would focus on topic (3). While I would also really, really love to learn more about the first two topics, I think that there's already a _lot_ of information on them available online, and I don't think that they're really the best use of our time with Nuno. I'd recommend that we try to create a shared course library of resources for the first two -- links to existing sites, tutorials, etc., so that we can all learn a lot more about them -- but focus the syllabus on the mechanics of developing for WordPress.
Does that make sense?
It does make sense and I agree 100%. After all, the topic of the course is "Wordpress Development". I definitely feel for the people that are just getting into Wordpress or want to learn how to use it better from the front end perspective. But, I didn't think this was going to be that kind of course by the description. Even topics like mobile styles, while great, don't have a whole lot to do with Wordpress itself.
There are so many topics that we could go over that it would be easy to get sidetracked. So, yeah, I also hope we can stick to #3, actual development and getting into the guts of the code.
I had to go back to the learning objectives to make sure I was reading the right discussion thread. The course seemed to be directed at pure novices in WordPress (which I am). I think development of plugins and widgets sounds like the advanced topics for the class given that some people are looking to "know what wordpress is " and "understand what a plugin and widget is", as the syllabus describes. I'd love to cover a to z, as Nuno spells out, but would be lost if we skipped bullets 1& 2 in the course description.
I'm happy to move quickly, but would prefer not to change the course description before we get started.
Learning objectives
- Know what WordPress is and how it can be used both for blogging and as a CMS
- Understand what is a plugin and a widget, the difference between the two and how to develop them
- Know the Plugin API (actions and filters)
- Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
- Themes and Templates: how to create and how to customize them
"While I would also really, really love to learn more about the first two
topics, I think that there's already a _lot_ of information on them available
online, and I don't think that they're really the best use of our time with
Nuno. I'd recommend that we try to create a shared course library of
resources for the first two -- links to existing sites, tutorials, etc., so
that we can all learn a lot more about them -- but focus the syllabus on the
mechanics of developing for WordPress."
No doubt, but in my admittedly limited experience to date, the material I've found on the web for developing WP themes I have ultimately found more or less impossible to follow, whether through my technical ineptitude, or the classic problem of tech people being truly inept at communicating with other humans, I shan't say. So spending at least a week each on #1 and #2 would be good for me. Mind you, I'm the guy who, in my course application, noted that I had deleted the Hello Dolly thingy from my WP because I thought it was so patently stupid.
Will, I've been using WP for a few years and never used/always deleted/disabled the Hello Dolly plugin immediately. However the exercise of editing the hello dolly plugin was an eye opener for me because while it's admittedly a simple plugin, it was refreshing to see how simple the actual code that drives it was.
"While I would also really, really love to learn more about the first two
topics, I think that there's already a _lot_ of information on them available
online, and I don't think that they're really the best use of our time with
Nuno. I'd recommend that we try to create a shared course library of
resources for the first two -- links to existing sites, tutorials, etc., so
that we can all learn a lot more about them -- but focus the syllabus on the
mechanics of developing for WordPress."
No doubt, but in my admittedly limited experience to date, the material I've found on the web for developing WP themes I have ultimately found more or less impossible to follow, whether through my technical ineptitude, or the classic problem of tech people being truly inept at communicating with other humans, I shan't say. So spending at least a week each on #1 and #2 would be good for me. Mind you, I'm the guy who, in my course application, noted that I had deleted the Hello Dolly thingy from my WP because I thought it was so patently stupid.
Sounds about right!
Personally, I'm interested in learning how to develop themes, widgets, and plugins. I've customized bits and pieces (and in time, will master the Loop), but I'd like to try making a theme from scratch, and I don't have the skills for that yet.
I wanted to start a new discussion topic for us to post useful WordPress related links (tutorials, screencasts, etc.) but when I click on "Start a discussion" up there on the top left I get a page where I'm able to add a new title (e.g. Useful WordPress links) but the Body area is blank, there's no box to fill in. I'm logged in, maybe I don't have the necessary permissions?
Anyone know?
I think it's a browser thing. It did the same thing for me in Firefox, but the text box worked just fine in Safari. Here's the new thread.
Oh how annoying! I tried FF and Chrome with no success, just tried Opera and bingo, I haz Body option.
Thanks for starting the thread Neville!
For me, i would like to know how to best Optimize for mobile/iPads. Not necessarily how to access my WordPress account, but to ensure that the WordPress site is working efficiently for mobile devices.