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Consciousness: Games and Apps

Consciousness Expanding Games

Miriam Corneli's picture
Fri, 2010-09-17 06:01

Lets use this page to come up with ideas for a new game to enhance our global mind. There are no wrong suggestions or ideas. There is also a section for games that are exemplify the concept of consciousness expanding.

Two main aspects of the process might be to

  • figure out what skills and concepts we want to promote and enhance and
  • come up with specific game concepts befitting our goals.

Other sections and ideas may freely be added to this page by clicking the edit link.


  • Name retention, name games.
  • Positive thinking.
  • Abundance thinking.
  • Emotional intuition.
  • Patience.
  • Cooperation.
  • Empathy for the feelings of others.
  • Empowerment to cooperate to end the suffering of others.
  • The commitment to make the slogan "Never Again" a reality.
  • The courage and confidence to follow through on that commitment.
  • Exposure to how the world really works, for both good and ill.

Game Ideas:

  • Some friends and I were playing Settlers of Catan and it occurred to me that the game could probably be played in a cooperative manner. A borderless image of the earth would be the playing board and resources would be spread around the map. Players would work to build a network to share and reuse these resources on a global scale. The game would end if the resources are depleted and/or the environment was destroyed from harvesting resources. Resources contribute to technological growth which can result in efficient usage of subsequent resources. There is an important psychological element involved in helping players and non-player communities (in game populations) to use resources efficiently.

Game Examples: