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Consciousness: Games and Apps

Syllabus for Consciousness: Games and Aps

Miriam Corneli's picture
Wed, 2010-08-25 19:33

This is the Syllabus for your Course. Any course participant is allowed to edit this page. Be the first to edit the page by clicking on 'Edit' next to the name of the page (in the Course Material block on the left).

Rough Schedule:

Week One Sept. 15 Introductions. 
Class Guidlines.
Creative Commons Copyrights.
Finding the best meeting times.
Finding the best meeting modalities.
Creating teams for presentations or facilitation?

Week Two Sept. 22. Parameters of consciousness.
List websites and resources that are your favorites in terms of exploring consciousness.

Week Three Sept 29. Existing Technologies.

Week Four Oct. 6 Current Resources.

Week Five Oct. 13 New Directions. Presentation of class projects.

Week Six Oct. 20  Social Implications and "implantation strategies." Presentation of class projects