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Consciousness: Games and Apps

Tasks for Week One

Miriam Corneli's picture
Fri, 2010-09-17 19:55

Task number one: if you haven't done so yet, please introduce yourself to your peers. Thanks to those who were able to re-send their entry applications, if you haven't, or can't, here are some other options:
Some questions you might want to answer for us all are
  1. why are you interested in taking this class?
  2. what do you think consciousness is, and do you think it evolves?
  3. What is your greatest question about consciousness?
  4.  What is your most exciting idea for a positive outcome you would like to help create from this class?
  5. what would you be willing to facilitate if you could facilitate a thread on the forum on some topic related to consciousness & games & apps? Do you have a passion that you would like to share with the class in this arena?

Task number two: Generate Resource Lists.
I have created several more tabs in the "course materials" area. Please check these over and add to these lists.
   I'm hoping we will generate ongoing lists of
  1. Favorite websites about consciousness -- please maybe write a note about what this website is about, or a one-sentence summary of what it entails
  2. Books you think we should read, again a sort of mini-summary would be most helpful.
  3. Games or apps that you find interesting that do exist that are good examples of creative cohesion. Explain a wee bit, please.

(And as we go along in the course I would like to keep organizing these resources under various topics like "research," "brainwave states," "games," "historical, "science fiction,"  "models," "paradigm shift," "collective consciousness," or whatever we generate;  let's see what coalesces.)

Task number three: Treasure Hunts. occasionally I'm going to (and you can, too!) throw out a "treasure hunt" idea where we have to research a question on line and come up with an answer. Today's "treasure hunt" question is about Facebook. When did Facebook start, and how many members does it have today? What kind of "social networking" implications for the expansion of consciousness might one draw from this?


One Final TaskNetiquette Questions for Discussion.  This might be the most important one. . . It's really important to set up some parameters for "netiquette" in our giving & receiving feedback to each others' ideas, sharing notes, stories, games, etc. and I would like everyone to read the  "Netiquette Questions for Discussion" and put in your input. This will be our guideline or maybe our flotation device!  to help us navigate these intriguing waters!


I am curious as to where

Kimba Kerner's picture
Kimba Kerner
Fri, 2010-09-17 22:58

I am curious as to where these "task" responses are supposed to be posted to? :)