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Professional Development

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Hi Folks:

I am old, and so am also somewhat forward, and its been over 40 years since anybody called me shy - so I'll kick this off.

I would like to use this time to collaborate with others in searching out open access materials in the areas of curriculum development and teacher training that can be used to create an OER for faculty professional development - at my technical college, in our state system of communioty and technical colleges, and anywhere alse in the world where community/technical colleges need faculty development resources.

Does anyone else wish to collaborate with me?

I primarily author in Softchalk, but am also handy with Camtasia (is Ok) and Captivate (yuckville).

I have working expertise in Angel and Blackboard, and a passing familiarity with several other LMS platforms.


Lisa Jackson's picture
Lisa Jackson
Mon, 2011-01-24 19:05

Hi, Kelley

I have used Softchalk, but don't consider myself very proficient...

I'm good with Blackboard.


Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Mon, 2011-01-24 19:37

Hi Lisa:

Thanks for chiming in.

If we can manage to pull a team together, I am certain we can find some common ground on authoring software. If necessary, we can always author in a word-processing application, then each copy/paste or whatever into the tools we prefer.


Una Daly's picture
Una Daly
Mon, 2011-01-24 23:11

Go Kelley and Lisa -- sounds like you've started a great team!! Any others interested in joining ...

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Thu, 2011-02-03 03:25

Kelley and Lisa I think this sounds like a good project. I would like to collaborate with you both. Let me know when you can meet and how you are going to divide up the tasks. thanks

Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Thu, 2011-02-03 20:23

Hi Folks:

I can create an Elluminate Live meeting room that we can use for meeting and sharing information.

Just let me know what you think.


Carina Bossu's picture
Carina Bossu
Fri, 2011-02-04 02:22

Hi Kelley,

That sounds a great idea! Thanks for setting this up!


Lisa Jackson's picture
Lisa Jackson
Mon, 2011-02-07 17:34

Elluminate meeting works for me.

Kelley...what are your thoughts on how we should proceed?

Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Mon, 2011-02-07 21:15

Hi Folks:
Sorry I have been absent the last three days, but I took my beautiful wife on a small trip for her birthday.

How to proceed...................

I am not sure what time zones everybody is in, but I have created an Elluminate room for us. If our time zones are not too divergent, we could meet via Elluminate soonest, and discuss how to proceed. I am in the pacific time zone (Washington State, USA). Where is everybody else?


Carina Bossu's picture
Carina Bossu
Tue, 2011-02-08 12:58

Hi Kelley,
Happy birthday to your wife :-)
I'm in Australia and we are in very different time zones. But if we meet in the afternoon your time, lets say at 3:00pm it is 10:00am the following day here. Actually, Thursday or Friday at 10:00am is good for me. That is Wednesday or Thursday at 3:00pm your time.
I hope these are good times for other members of our group also.


Lisa Jackson's picture
Lisa Jackson
Tue, 2011-02-08 16:41

Oh, my, I'm on Eastern Time! 3pm Pacific is, I think, 6pm for me. I can manage that

Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Tue, 2011-02-08 20:07

Hi Folks:

I set up a quick Doodle poll. I essentially set each weekday, and all hours available to me. This way you can choose times that work in your time zones, then I will set something up in the overlaps.

Here is the link:


Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Wed, 2011-02-09 20:30

Hi Folks:

The votes are in and the winner is this Friday, 0800 Pacific time. This worked for everybody except Carina. Carina, we will record the session and I will publish a link to the recording. If you have ideas that need sharing, please post them here or send directly to me via email. That brings me to another point; if you folks feel its safe, please post an email address in this forum. I find email much more convenient. Mine is

The Elluminate participant session link is:

I am looking forward to meeting each of you Friday.


Devendra Shah's picture
Devendra Shah
Wed, 2011-02-09 21:05

Devendra Shah email address

susan amper's picture
susan amper
Thu, 2011-02-10 00:19

Susan Amper email address:

Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Fri, 2011-02-11 19:49

Hi Folks:

I am sorry that I missed most of you this morning on Elluminate. Of our group, only Lisa and I were able to make it, but we did have a most interesting guest come in - Dan Patty out of Austin Texas, and he is a very smart gentleman - most of what he said went right over my head, and at the stratospheric level. He may be participating to a certain degree with the work that we do.

Lisa and I would like to focus our efforts on identifying, collecting or developing OER resources for promoting the concept of OER within our respective community college systems; and training faculty in the identification, evaluation and use of open access bokks and materials(correct me if I misspeak, Lisa). This is very much what CCCOER is doing on a National level, and that is okay. Open-Access is a grassroots movement, and we each need to find our own paths that work within our own systems.

Much of this morning's session was entirely off-topic, but for what it is worth, here is a link to the recording of this session:

If this task/topic works for everybody, then I guess our next step is to decide the best way to share information and resources, because this P2PU classroom is not going to cut it for that purpose.

Please forward your suggestions.

Thank you to those who provided your email addresses.

Back later,


Kelley Meeusen's picture
Kelley Meeusen
Mon, 2011-02-14 18:35

Hi Folks:

I am terribly sorry, but due to extreme family issues, I must drop out of this workshop.


Lisa Jackson's picture
Lisa Jackson
Tue, 2011-02-15 15:56

Professional Development group... As Kelley has had to drop-out of class, we need a team leader! My experience in OER so far is this class. Is there someone who would like to take over for Kelley?
