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Adopting Open Textbooks

Guest Speakers on Tuesday October 26 at 9:00 am PST, Final webinar ARCHIVED

Una Daly's picture
Mon, 2010-10-25 07:52

Our final webinar from Tues, Oct 26, was archived and may be reached through the following link. 

You will receive an email with a course survey link later this week and we appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to send any feedback to improve the course.

Finally, I invite you to share your OER advocacy efforts with the rest of the group either through editing the Week 6 Module as  Barbara Oldham did or creating your own discussion forum topic.  It has been a pleasure being the facilitator for Adopting Open Textbooks at P2PU and I look forward to continued collaboration with everyone.  Please don't hesitate to email me if I can be of any assistance with open textbooks or open educational resources.  (

Best Regards to ALL,

Dear Adopting Open Textbooks Members,

Our final webinar will be Tuesday, Oct 26, at 9:00 am PST, it will be archived for those who cannot attend live (see instructions below).   I am please to announce that we will have 2 short presentations from our members.  

Rebecca Hedreen, Distance Education Librarian, from Southern Connecticut State University will talk about her open education advocacy workshop at her college last week.

Jacky Hood, Associate Director of College Open Textbooks, will talk about "Starting small with OER ..." and other advocacy lessons that she has learned over the last year and a half of directing the College Open Textbook Collaborative.

Best Regards,



NOTE: This is a WEBINAR --

Jacky Hood's picture
Jacky Hood
Tue, 2010-10-26 17:50

NOTE: This is a WEBINAR -- Look under WEBINARS rather than MEET & CONFER