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Adopting Open Textbooks

Searching Connexions

Una Daly's picture
Mon, 2010-09-13 01:22

Connexions is a repository hosted by Rice University. A textbook is stored in the repository as a set of modifiable modules each in a separate file. There is also a link to a single .pdf file version of many of the books.

Example of textbook search

You can search by author or title and within a subject area.  Also, if you are looking for entire textbooks, use the collections check box to search for books rather than individual modules or chapters of a collection.
Connexions search page

Example of textbook modules

Notice the Table of Contents on the left of the screen. This gives a good idea of what is covered by this book. This table actively links to the various sections so you can do an in depth review of the book from the main title page. You can also download the entire set of files that comprise the book and review them off line.