This is the P2PU Archive. If you want the current site, go to!
How is the course organised?
The course is focused on developing practical solutions. Each week, the group must submit a group answer to each of the case Scenarios. Each Week has a list of readings and resources that may assist you in answering the case scenario questions.
Please note , the group answer will differ according to what country you are based and the domestic copyright legislation.The readings point to various resources from different jurisdictions; Australia, South Africa, the USA and other English speaking jurisdictions. It is important to remember that the detail of the law in each jurisdiction is different although the overall concepts are the same, since the different jurisdictions must all comply with the same international treaties.
The Group answer should demonstrate your understanding of the assigned reading material and should include original thoughts and synthesis. Don't just summarize readings. Making connections between the week's readings and either previous readings or previous blogging (of your own or of other students!) is strongly encouraged.
Only answer the questions in relation to the case study/scenario. When completing the weekly assignments for this course you should try to answer as best you can for your jurisdiction. Identifying the resources available for your jurisdiction and pointing out the differences in your country’s copyright legislation are important parts of the learning in the course.
In addition, each group provides a short assessment of the other groups’ answers.
How to get to started
By now you will have been allocated a group colour indicating the student you have been placed in.
We suggest a different student take responsibility for starting the weekly discussion and submitting the final answer and group assessment of the other groups's answer for each week.
Your group discussion space for each week has been set up in the Course Material section. This is where you can start drafting your answers and provide comments/feedback on the working draft.
You may wish to allocate particular questions to different members to provide a first draft for review and comment.
How to post the final group answer
The allocated student leader for that week should be responsible for posting the final answer. Go to view on the dashbaord, and then scroll down to Assignments, click on Submitt an Assignment and upload the group answer.
Whose turn is it?
I cannot tell how or who is in a group?
Pauline I received an email telling me what group I am in and who's in my group. There are a lot of emails, but I would go through them again. The email I received had "group allocations" in the subject. ~Amy
Aqua Group ( Australia)
Aqua Group ( Australia)
Pauline Crawford,Leonie Whiting, Trudi Hamilton and Lisa Nash
Hi Pauline,
We are part of the Aqua Group Australia. All these emails are confusing aren't they. Have you worked out the website yet?
I can see material on the website
I can see material on the website and have started reading. Now I am wondering how we can share ideas. I saw a page with suggestions about synchronous comments, but do not recognise anything. I like the idea of sharing,but do yearn for the 'good old days' of meeting actual people. If I click "PREVIEW" I can see this comment on a page! But not the previous comments. ... And I can go back and edit my spelling errors. Easier by the minute.
How can we share ideas?
Seeing there are only four of us, maybe we could email and copy all four? Maybe it would be a good idea to agree on an actual time by which we all have responded to the readings? Did I read it correctly that we submit a group response?
Hi Aqua Group
Hi Aqua Group
I can see our readings and can see the dates for submission but can't see our Case scenario question. am I missing it somewhere in the readings. I agree that with only four of us email may be the best form of communication.
They are in the assignments section
Case scenarios are assignments. You can see them all on the "View" tab - but you need to scroll down a bit.
I never rec'd any emails, but I'm guessing I am in the pink group which appears to be USA.